Welcome To: CBHf/ACPE Community Bridge of Hope fellowship

We extend a warm welcome to you who visit this site. We are very happy to offer you the most hospitable welcome possible.
 We invite you to personally discover the message of Jesus Christ, his love for you, his direction for your life, and to explore with us the great questions of everyday life in the light of the Word of God. Contributing to a more humane and Christian world is part of our goal. For we are all brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ! “If you believe, you will see the glory of God. John 11:40


A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering (James 1:27) Psalm 113:7-8 From the dust he removes the poor, From the manure he raises the needy. 8 To make them sit with the great, with the great of his people